And while just thinking about it right now, I feel precisely as I did when I broke the trust given to me and opened it - bloodless, dead, lifeless, anguished, confused. It was there. Shut tight, unopened. And I made it open again. It opens so easily now.
And then. Madness. Much later. I opened it again. Because it stared at me, over and over again. Tempted. Taunted me. Perhaps in the hope to find something there which belongs to the present. Which is ours.
Now it will be gone, and all I wanted was to have Us inside of it. Then it would never have to be opened again, I would just know, that is what she really sees in us and really thinks about me. What she wants me to do. What she wants to relive, but with me. What she needs from me. What makes her feel alive, wanted... what makes her sleep. Happy and Exhausted.

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