It just stopped me in my tracks again, creating a distance. I went there, saw the photo and it just takes me all the way past the moon, beyond Pluto.
Silence. Complete stillness. Like stopping a film.
Then I rapidly zoom in (to that blue dot) again, slowing down the closer I get. I am still far away and my vision gets nearer and nearer.
What I see creates desire, like that first moment seeing someone that makes everything stop. Thought, heartbeat, movement. I just look. And do not know anything. And as the seconds go by it dawns on me, slowly... I desire, I love, I need. I know!
I feel the need to see it every day, justify the attraction, the urge, the absolute necessity of being close to her. Zooming in from that moment of just seeing something my eye likes to something the very essence of me can't do without. All through being able to justify my belonging to her and her to me.
The unreachable becoming part of me. I can't really explain it. Just see... just look. What it might say to you, it tells me loudly, clearly a tousand times over. It is, and I may be repeating it out of sheer wonder... seeing yourself without understanding it is you. Seeing her and realizing you love her and she loves you back.
Who is she?! I want her! She is me! And all the palette of colour and sounds between those exclamations. The incredible speed going far away, the moment of pause, the acceleration back and the warm, soft, deep re-entry into reality.
That is what that black and white picture does to me. That is what she does to me. That is what she is to me and why I need her.